Authentic Flamenco Returns to Dubai this October

The critically acclaimed show, born from the collaboration between Teatro Real - The Royal Opera of Madrid, Fever, and SO-LA-NA, Authentic Flamenco will make its way back to Dubai for a second consecutive year as part of a new world tour

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Dubai, UAE, September 3rd – Following the success of last year’s world tour of the Authentic Flamenco show, Teatro Real - The Royal Opera of Madrid, one of Europe’s most prestigious arts and entertainment institutions, and Fever, the leading global live-entertainment discovery platform, are collaborating once again for a second world tour. This fall, the critically acclaimed traditional flamenco dance show will return to Dubai for four exclusive performances on October 26 and 27 at the Jumeirah Zabeel Saray Hotel.

During the 65-minute live presentation by SO-LA-NA Entertainment, a benchmark in creating and producing exclusive live performances, audiences will delight in an expression of raw passion and emotion. The show stars award-winning guitarist Daniel Casares, joined by a talented ensemble: Julián Bedmar on guitar, Manu Montes as the dancer, Manuel Peralta on vocals, José Manuel Posada ("Popo") on bass, and Miguel Ortiz ("Nene") on percussion.

This captivating event, highlighting the rich heritage of flamenco, aligns perfectly with Fever's core mission: to democratize access to culture and make it accessible to as many people as possible. The tour will visit over 40 cities throughout the year, spanning North America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

Ticket sales open today, and tickets are now available on the experience's website as well as on the Fever platform.

More information on Authentic Flamenco is available on 

For more information about the Authentic Flamenco Dubai access here.

Download pictures of the experience here.

Authentic Flamenco Presents Daniel Casares

Where: Jumeirah Zabeel Saray Hotel

Dates: Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of October

Times:  6:00 pm and 8:30 pm

Tickets: starting at AED190 per person

About Fever: 

Fever is the leading global live-entertainment discovery platform which has helped millions of people enjoy the best experiences in their cities since 2014. With a mission to democratize access to culture and entertainment in real life through its platform, Fever inspires users to enjoy unique local experiences and events, from immersive exhibitions, interactive theatrical experiences, and festivals to molecular cocktail pop-ups, while empowering creators with data and technology to create and expand experiences across the world.

About Teatro Real, the Royal Opera of Madrid: 

One of Spain's most important cultural institutions, Teatro Real, the Royal Opera of Madrid, was foundedby King Ferdinand VII over two hundred years ago. In 1990 the theater was closed for a technical andarchitectural make-over, which transformed it into a model performing arts building, with state of theart theatrical technology. In 1997 it was reopened with great ceremony by the Presidents of its Council,the King and Queen of Spain, and since then has become one of the most important operatic theatersin Europe, not only for its excellent artistic program and the quality of its Chorus and Orchestra, but alsofor the activities it organizes in conjunction with other Spanish cultural institutions. The Teatro Real’sambitious education and training projects (including a project for disabled children) have coincidedwith a spectacular increase in young audiences. In recent years, it has also developed a fruitful dialoguewith different musical genres. With “Authentic Flamenco” The Teatro Real is now very active in thedissemination of flamenco, with a regular season of shows in its “tablao” at the Ballroom. In May 2021,The Royal Opera of Madrid was awarded as World’s Best Opera Company at the International OperaAwards.

About Fever

تُعد فيفر إحدى المنصات العالمية الرائدة والمتخصصة في مجال الفعاليات الترفيهية الحية، حيث تتيح للملايين منذ عام 2014 استكشاف أفضل التجارب في المدن التي يقيمون فيها. وتهدف المنصة إلى نشر التجارب الثقافية والترفيهية، وتلهم المستخدمين للاستمتاع بالتجارب والفعاليات المحلية الفريدة، بدءاً من المعارض الغامرة والتجارب المسرحية التفاعلية والمهرجانات الرائدة، ووصولاً إلى الفعاليات الترفيهية المتنوعة، كما تزود المبدعين بالبيانات والتكنولوجيا اللازمة لتصميم التجارب المبتكرة وتقديمها في مختلف أنحاء العالم.

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