The critically acclaimed show, born from the collaboration between Teatro Real - The Royal Opera of Madrid, Fever, and SO-LA-NA, Authentic Flamenco will make its way back to Dubai for a second cons...
This March, Chaos Kart, the one-of-a-kind live-action go-karting experience,
zooms onto the streets of Dubai for the first time after gaining popularity in the UK. Located in
Al Quoz, the part-gami...
Popular British children’s TV series Fireman Sam, arrives in the UAE for the first time ever, at The Theatre, Mall of the Emirates on Saturday 4th and 5th March 2023. The program which has entertai...
PME Entertainment announces their strategic partnership with Fever, bringing decades of experience to inspire the next big thing in the music, entertainment and ticketing industry
Following two largely successful runs in 2021 and 2022, the world-famous and anticipated InClassica International Music Festival, organised by SAMIT Event Group, will make its comeback in the Unite...
The highly anticipated digital immersive exhibition, Raise Vibration, devoted to the profound works of Gaudi, Kandinsky, and Klee, is an experience of emotionally living art by seeing and remarkabl...