Beginning on January 19th, the Theatre On The Square of Sandton will be illuminated by thousands of candles, allowing audiences to fully immerse themselves in adapted musical performances played by...
Disney’s The Magic Box recently extended its runs in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Cape Town so far has been well received by critics and audiences have responded with standing ovations for each perf...
Fever is bringing Candlelight Concerts to South Africa for the first time. Cape Town will host the first performances, featuring tributes to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Coldplay, and Hans Zimmer.
The show, featuring an all-South African cast and crew, opens at Artscape, Cape Town, on 9 October for a limited season and then transfers to Montecasino’s Teatro, Johannesburg, from 22 November be...
Disney’s The Magic Box, a theatrical experience, opens at Artscape, Cape Town, on 9 October for a limited season and then transfers to Montecasino’s Teatro, Johannesburg, from 22 November before em...