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Fever samarbetar med Netflix för att ta exklusiva Bridgerton Candlelight-konserter till Stockholm

Med hits från TV-serien som spelas av en lokal stråkkvartett kommer denna unika multisensoriska musikupplevelse att förvandla Eric Ericsonhallen med en fängslande miljö

Candlelight Concerts Come to Örebro, Bringing A Twist on Classical Music and Illuminating Örebro Slott

This remarkable initiative by Fever, that has delighted audiences in over 150 cities, democratises access to classical music, and aims to contribute to Örebro’s cultural scene and open the door fur...

Uppsala välkomnar Candlelight-konserter: upplev klassisk musik i stearinljusens sken

Efter att ha hänfört publiken i fler än 150 städer, inklusive Stockholm, Malmö och Göteborg, kommer denna sinnliga musikaliska upplevelse av levande musik att hållas på flera enastående platser i U...

Candlelight by Fever participates in Stockholm’s annual Culture Festival with candlelit performances by Daniel Hormaz...

For this year’s edition of the Culture Festival, the Candlelight Concerts will be bringing their worldwide known candlelit setting to light up the performances of Daniel Hormazábal and Anna Gréta.

Stockholm hosts unique musical experiences that reimagine classical genre and celebrate Spanish cultural heritage

Fever expands its portfolio in Stockholm with a varied offer of Candlelight concerts and new We Call it Flamenco show

Candlelight Concerts, the series of concerts that reinterprets classical music, comes to Malmö

The Candlelight Concerts, the series of concerts that reinterprets classical music, comes to Malmö

Concert series that reinterprets classical music comes to Gothenburg

Fever, the live entertainment platform known for helping millions of people discover the best experiences in their cities, brings the Candlelight Concerts to Gothenburg with a series of special per...

Candlelight concerts arrive at the Stockholm City Hall this Christmas

Continuing their global expansion, Fever, the leading entertainment discovery platform, quickly becoming known as the “Netflix of experiences”, brings their Fever Original musical concept to the Sw...

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