Featuring hits from the TV series played by a local string quartet, this unique live multi-sensory musical experience will transform Cincinnati, Fort Myers, Raleigh and Salt Lake City with a captiv...
Following its success in various cities around the world such as Paris, London, São Paulo, and Singapore, the Neon Brush Experience is coming to Nashville for a limited time starting July 5th.
Following its success in various cities around the world such as Paris, London, São Paulo, and Singapore, the Neon Brush - Paint in the Dark Art Experience is coming to Miami for a limited time sta...
Following its success in various cities around the world such as Paris, London, São Paulo and Singapore, the Neon Brush experience is coming to LA for a limited time this month!
Following the success achieved in more than 100 cities worldwide, this live, multi-sensory musical experience will take place in outstanding locations in the city
Fever’s live, multi-sensory musical experience keep aiming to surpass local audiences' expectations and creating programs that meet their taste in unique venues in the city
Authentic Flamenco has decided to make its return for the third time in NYC. The show debuted here exactly one year ago with its first presentation outside of Spain in Teatro Real’s history.